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Open Source Customization | UI/UX Design | Corealgo Systems

Ios Android App Developement

"Making presence in technology market."

iOS App Development

Corealgo Systems develop native applications for the iOS operating system using the Xcode IDE, with the option of coding in Objective-C or Swift.

Corealgo Systems has a dedicated team of iOS developers that have been working on creating the best possible user experiences for iOS using Storyboard, app extensions, native debugger etc. Our iOS app development team comprises of creative designers and technical architects who craft visually stunning iOS Apps.

We would like to continue to expand our iOS capabilities creating apps for iWatch, iBeacons and iOS supported gadgets. We are specialized in delivering innovative, robust, scalable and user-friendly iOS mobile applications.

Tools & Technology Used:

Objective C, Swift
Native SDK
Cocoa Touch Frameworks
Cocos2D Frameworks
iOS Virtaul Machine
iOS Simuators
SQLite, XML/https

Android App Development

Android app market is growing like rocket speed, and every organisation choosing Android for their business app. Android apps are developed using the Android Studio IDE and coded using Android Java.

Corealgo Systems Android App development team will identify best solution for your business and develop high quality, Fast and Secure Android Apps.Android native application needs a lot more testing and QA to ensure that the product meets the specifications across a range of devices, resolutions etc.

Tools & Technology Used:

SDK Manager
Google SDK
C and C++
Android Virtual Device Manager
Android Emulator
Phone Gap (Cross Platform)

Cloud Web Business Consulting

Outcome of our Cloud and web business consulting services will be in the form of reduction in IT infrastructure costs, increase in efficiency and employee mobility.

Why Corealgo?

With the help of simple and flexible technology products and solutions, we solve business problems very efficiently.

We are proud of our experienced development and design team for offering solutions in different technology.

Contact Us
Corealgo Systems Pvt. Ltd.
13, Chaudhary Coloney,
Opp. ISBT, Dehradun
Uttarakhand - 248171